Voyager Digital VYGVF Stock Price March 28th 2022
Voyager Digital Ltd (VYGVF) stock is trading at $6.79 as of 9:37 AM on Monday, Mar 28, a gain of $0.50, or 7.9% from the previous closing price of $6.29. The stock has traded between $6.35 and $6.81 so far today. Volume today is light. So far 60,943 shares have traded compared to the average volume of 514,626 shares.
The Voyager Community
Within the Voyager community, there is a varying level of optimism and pessimism with 1 user (Ma2B) stating “Voyager will be getting a ton of free publicity as people show off their new debit cards. They are now in the hands of real people! People are making videos of the first time they are using them etc. As more cards roll out hopefully a good buzz can be created around it. A pile of cards are going to be in customers’ hands over the next week and the “crypto for all” campaign will be ramping up this month.” Although true are Voyager jumping in too late in the game to have a big effect with their cards or is this just the push they need. Only time will tell.
VGX Token
As previously shared the token and stock price is heavily connected but it’s now all bad news for Voyager Digital and token fans as VGX has been showing a steady incline over the past week.

As for whether VYGVF is a buy, we see signs of a positive future with the new card launching and the token performing well but recommend you do your own research as all investments are risky and it pays to be aware.
See predictions on VGX through to 2025 here:
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